About Me

most likely a person possibly a bot like an ab-bot ;)

Hi thanks for stopping by my website, landing page, thing a ma jig that does that thing with the other thing :)

Anyway my name is Michael though I often go by Mike I just finished Fullstack Academy in April and now I am on the job hunt, which as far as I know involves no fire arms which is good because I only have meat arms.

So I am very tempted to get into a really long history of myself or just link to Oliver Twist but I will try to be brief. Born in NYC, Public Librarian for most of my adult life (NYPL and EPFL), now software engineer though currently not being paid for that.

Go back to the main page take a loook at some of my projects and let me know if I can help you.

All the best!!


p.s. you may have guessed this but I wish I was Fozzie Bear